Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Poem Parodies

Originally published on: 27/03/2011

Don’t have the time for a separate blog post because of all the work I have to do for college, so I figured that using some of my stuff for college as a blog post would be a good idea.
So, here are some poems I rewrote as limericks (with my own patronizing interpretations, of course)

Porphyria’s Lover
Her lover did not want to share
With others her long golden hair
So went on to use
The locks as a noose
To kill her. Rapunzel beware.

Lucy poems
Alas, I shall never know why
Poems about her multiply.
I should know by now
She is dead somehow
And shines like diamonds in the sky.

He arrived at her time of need
So from her dumb groom she was freed
And they galloped away.
He was real brave, they say,
But shouldn’t someone praise the steed?
(My horse looks weird. I knew I should have drawn another Unihorn instead)

Shakespearean sonnet XVIII
Love of mine, someday you’ll die,
But have no fear, baby don’t cry.
My epic sonnet
With your name on it
Will remain forever so fly!

Putting up another set of these as soon as I’m done drawing a couple more pictures.


  1. Sounds like you need a puppy or something. Haikus next? One day I sent all email correspondence in haiku form. I have less friends now.

    Also, I liked your crab drawings. Super, duper.

  2. No, I need a Unihorn! (I don't care if that sounds lame. I shall always love unicorns)
    I'll leave the haiku writing to you :D I'm sure you're good at it. Maybe you just need more wacky friends!

    Thanks, I rather like the crab drawings too, even if I say so myself :)

  3. Ozymandius, great king of the sand,
    Was advised by the best in the land.
    The said, “Put up a statue
    So all can look ‘atchew’
    And marvel at what you command.”

  4. I like your style of writing, enjoyed!
