Tuesday, 12 April 2011

My Actual Sunday Post

Originally published on: 13/03/2011

I decided to put up a real post after all, and it’s up before Sunday is over. Yay me :)
Whenever I think of the story of Noah’s Ark, there are three things I wish he had done differently:
3. Sent out all the birds together
In my imagination, this is what happened:
A few days later, the dove is sent out again.
And again.
I would have drawn the raven too, but I have absolutely no idea what happened to it. Unfortunately, I’m not sure most other people know either :(
2. Waited for the unicorns
Yeah, unicorns are so wonderful! (I wonder why they’re called unicorns. They should be called unihorns. That would make much more sense)
I’d have liked to end my post with those beautiful creatures, but there’s one thing that I consider even more important than saving the unicorns: destroying the cockroaches!
1. Squished those two cockroaches
(I didn't draw what comes next because it involves pieces of those insects smashed and lying around in a mess. Also, it says “spawn of the devil” up there. I don’t think it’s very clear in the drawing)
Imagine a world with no cockroaches. In just one second, Noah would have saved the whole world a lot of trouble through the ages. And we'd have unicorns instead.

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