Saturday 5 May 2018

Why We Need To Stop Buying Souvenirs - Giver’s POV

So you're on holiday and you want to pick up a few things for your folks back home. If you want to, that's perfectly fine, but it’s not something you have to do. Here's why:

- People are not entitled to presents because you went travelling. 

Especially those who don’t even tell you what they want but still expect something, because then you're saddled with the additional task of magically guessing what they might want.

(Also, unless you're a little kid or someone I'm very close to, it's not cool to ask me what I've brought for you. In fact, being greeted with that question makes me want to give your gift away to someone else.)

- The actual process of buying souvenirs is a headache

So, you see a souvenir store and decide on buying everything in one place. Should make things easy, right? Ha ha, you wish. Here are a few of the multiple muddling questions you'll have to consider:
  • What kind of gift do you buy? 
    • Something useful? 
    • Something nice-looking? 
    • Something thoughtful? 
    • Something unique? 
  • How much money are you willing to spend?
    • Should you bargain?
  • Whom do you buy for?
    • People you like the most?
    • People who will appreciate your gift? 
    • People you interact with a lot? 
    • People who give you lots of things? 
    • People who will sulk if you don’t bring them something?
  • How much space and weight allowance do you have?
Even after all this careful consideration, it's possible you might leave out someone you really wanted to buy something for.

Where does it end? (Rhetorical question. It doesn't.) In the spirit of keeping it simple, I suggest you don’t even start.

- You’re there to enjoy your holiday

Yes, it's too bad your friend couldn't join you on your holiday. Yes, it helps that you know exactly what they'll like from [place you're going to]. This doesn't mean you should feel compelled to go out of your way to buy it, even if it has been specifically requested.

Sure, you’d love to make someone happy by bringing them what they want, but it shouldn't be at the cost of your peace of mind. By all means, ask where one gets [requested object] and look for it wherever you go, but don't plan a trip to someplace miles away or to a shady neighbourhood just to obtain it.

If you completely forget or simply don’t want to bother, that’s fine too. If s/he if a true friend, s/he will understand. You've most likely spent a lot of time, effort, and money on your holiday. You deserve to enjoy it.

Receiving souvenirs can also be messy business, but that is a matter for another post.