Sunday 19 June 2011

New Quill + Palindromic Poem

Okay, I shall quickly type out the second page for those of you who can't decipher my handwriting.
Bird poop. *DRIB*
O part of underside, emit waste.
Yo, took le debris? Use it, okay?
O, Tie, S.U.
Sir, bed-elk?
Oo, toy! E.T., Saw time.
Ed is red, 'n' UFO: trap.
O, bird poop! *DRIB*
[Note: S.U.= shut up]
Explanation: Ed is a horrible bird who has tricked Tie the E.T. into becoming his slave and cleaning his poop. Ed poops all the time. He also thinks using random French words makes him sound smart. 
Tie tries to placate Ed with stuffed toys, but instead of going to sleep, Ed says it is Saw time (Saw: the series of horror films) and Tie realizes he has been trapped in the 'UFO', as Ed poops some more.

I might draw pictures, if I feel like it and don't forget.

Update: I just did (scribble out draw a picture)
Evil pooping bird, and alien cleaning poop in fake UFO.

This is so much fun! I really ought to do this kind of thing more often.


  1. Impressive, at first glance thought it was nonsense verse. But then you had an explanation :P

  2. this blog is truly funny as well as very imaginatively penned down ... a perfect piece of creativity.....
