Wednesday 3 May 2017

Life and Ladders

For those of you who may find that hard to read (thanks to Blogger's uncooperative image sizing) here's the (Shel Silverstein-inspired?) poem:

A ladder isn’t just a ladder.

Ladders also represent life 
The ups and downs, the joy and strife.

The view from way up top is great, 
But it’s hard work - and maybe fate?

Don’t let the height make your head spin, 
But don’t forget where you begin.

It’s how you use your ladder, not 
The kind of ladder that you’ve got.

Some ladders are short, others tall, 
Some have flat rungs so you don’t fall,

And if you do fall, breathe, and then 
Make sure you get back up again

Unless you’ve fallen to your death. 

Okay, I think I’ve caught my breath.

I’ll now resume to climb in style 
Up to the roof to fix that tile.