Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Brand New Day

A few days ago, it suddenly struck me: I don't care about the new year. Never have, and the more I consider it, the more sure I am that I never will. It's easy to think you care when you have hundreds of places telling you how awesome new year's eve is going to be, or when people are asking what you plan to do or, if you're unfortunate enough to be that age, what your new year resolution is.

Truth is, the only change is a number on the calendar, and that shouldn't fluster you at all unless you're in school and have teachers who force you to write the full date on every used page of your notebook. Sure, some people use the new year as an excuse to party, but who's stopping us from doing that on any other day? Who says we can't have fun without donating an organ to pay for a party filled with strange people on a day when we don't have to study or work within the next 24 hours? (If you do get a day off, you're among the lucky ones.)

Now, Earth is way older than any of us can imagine being (unless Doctor Who is amongst us reading this, in which case I'm more than happy to eat my words), so who on earth decided that January 1st is its birthday? I'm not sure Earth herself keeps track or even appreciates us making a big deal of it. If anything, Mamma E probably wants some peace and quiet rather than people setting off fireworks in her atmosphere.

But if I had to say one positive thing about the new year hype, it's that it can't be all bad if it resulted in this:
Lea Michele makes every other version of this song sound like the musical equivalent of dinosaur poop.

As for the whole forget-about-or-be-thankful-for-the-past-and-move-on thing, we need to do that all the time. Every day is the beginning of a new year, and there's no reason for us to treat only one particular day with so much unwarranted attention.
In keeping with that spirit, here's another great song. If you watch Lie To Me and have heard it already, well, listen again!

So if you wish me, I shall be civil and thank you graciously, but if you want me to wish you a happy new year (though you don't really care that much either, do you?) wait until your birthday. Until then, good day to you.

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